Mystery Lunch Cruise
Lets see - we had 12 Corvettes and 4 "odd" cars travel from Smyrna Rest Area, through the lovely back roads of lower New Castle County, and ended up at the New Crooked Hammock in Middletown. With a slight delay due to miscommunications between the manager and the staff, we finally sat on the "Screened Porch" and had an awesome lunch. Trivia was Little Known Facts about Delaware. And this group fell right in to the Little Known category. Three people got 1 right - and Darlene got 2 right so she won a free dessert.
Thanks to George & Maxine, Linda S and Her Father, Kathy & Bill, Elaine & Wayne, Dan & Sue Dz, Tyler, Dennis, Ken and his Plus1, Marianne & Pat, Lois & Jim, Keith, Lori and KeithB, Jim & Vicki, Warren & Maryanne, Connie, Gloria & Orville, Darlene, John C, and our hosts Bruce & Donna. If you didn't attend, you missed some fabulous food.